Why Discount Brokers Are So Expensive

Why Discount Brokers Are So Expensive

  • Taya DiCarlo
  • 05/2/22


When you're interviewing someone to sell your house and they're willing to list it for 1%, it may seem like you're saving a lot of money but guess what? That 1% is way more expensive than you think.

When you hire a discount broker, you're trying to squeeze every dollar out of that sale, this is your most valuable asset after all. So why wouldn't you try to save some money? I don't blame you, but when you are interviewing realtors, it's not apples to apples.

Let me remind you, 20% of realtors are selling 80% of the real estate. That means there's about 80% of realtors that out there are bad at what they do. Statistically you're more than likely to run into a bad realtor than you are a good one.

Here are some tips on how to save some money when you are choosing who to sell your house. I don't care if it's a hot market or a slow market, you need a professional with experience to sell your home.

A discount broker means discount service. If someone is doing it for 1%, you must ask yourself, why are they so desperate for this deal?

Here’s are some questions you want to ask and information you should have.

  1. Check that agent's sales. When was the last time they sold a house? Are they selling houses all the time?
  2. When they are selling and listing a house for sale, what is their list of sales, price ratio? Are they promising the seller a high listing price and then having to cut that price again and again until they get it sold?
  3. How many days is it taking them to sell a house?
  4. What are their clients saying about them? Go to their Zillow page, go to their website, find a third-party vendor that's going to give you those client reviews.
  5. There are a ton of realtors leaving other realtors, Google reviews. Go to that agent or that broker's Google review page and see if other realtors are saying nice things about them, or maybe they're saying bad things.

At the end of the day, you need to do your due diligence; this is your most valuable asset. Make sure you're interviewing at least three agents and you know what, interview a discount broker. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples, cause at the end of the day, I promise you it is not the same. You get what you pay for, but that's just my 2 cents.

If you have any questions, or you want to start a dialogue, let’s talk.

Don’t forget to catch up on my weekly show, Taya’s 2 Cents, where share my two cents on different real estate topics from buying and selling real estate, owning a home and more.

Work With Taya

Taya is a California native with 12 years of real estate experience and has sold over $145M in residential sales. She repeatedly goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure deadlines are made and that all transitions go smoothly. Whether you’re selling or buying, Taya is the kind of Realtor® you can always depend on.

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